
Neuroradiology consists of imaging to evaluate the brain, spine and spinal cord, orbits, temporal bones, and neck. Primarily using CT (CAT scan) and MRI imaging modalities, diseases processes such as tumors, infection, arthritis, and acquired / developmental diseases can be diagnosed and potentially treated. Pain syndromes are also effectively diagnosed and treated using CT-guidance.


MRI, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging, is a sensitive technique for the assessment of soft tissue structures including brain, spinal cord, muscles, nerves, and soft tissues of the neck.

CT (“CAT” Scan) / CT Angiography

CT, or Computed Tomography, is a detailed technique that highlights abnormalities of bone which is useful and complimentary to MRI for assessment of trauma, sinus disease, temporal bone structures, spinal stenosis, tumor, and infection.

CT Angiography with contrast dye administration assists with evaluation of the blood vessels of the brain and neck. This aids in the diagnosis of vessel narrowing related to stokes, traumatic vessel narrowing, aneurysms, vascular malformations, tumors, and infection. Three Dimensional (3D) reconstructed CT images can contribute to pre-operative planning.

Neuroradiology equipment
Man touching his neck as he is in pain

CT/ MR Myelogram

CT Myelography is a two part exam. It first requires direct needle injection of a contrast agent (dye) into the lower spine using fluoroscopic X-ray guidance, a procedure also known as Myelography. Injection is next followed by a CT scan of the spine. CT myelography can be used to investigate disc herniations, spinal stenosis, post-surgical pain syndromes, and other diseases of the spine. CT myelography of the spine is useful in patients with pacemakers which can be MRI incompatible.

MR Myelography is a technique by which the spinal fluid around the spinal cord can be assessed without the need for needle placement into the spinal canal or injection of contrast.

CT Myelograms can be scheduled by calling (215) 481-2071. A prescription from your doctor is required.

CT-guided Spinal Pain Management

Using CT guidance, steroids and anesthetics can be injecting into the joints of the spine (facet joints), the space around the spinal cord (epidural space), and the space where the nerves exit the spine (nerve root neural foramen). This can help relieve various types of back pain syndromes.

We can treat Piriformis Syndrome with CT-guided injection of steroids and anesthetics into the Piriformis muscle.

Lumbar spine synovial cyst aspiration can also be effectively performed using CT-guidance.

We also use CT guidance to perform a blood “patch” for headaches as a result of a previous lumbar puncture or due to a spontaneous spinal fluid (CSF) leak.

Joint Injections and other pain management procedures can be scheduled by calling (215) 481-6226. A prescription form your doctor is required.

Doctor touching patient's back to check her spine